Thursday, January 27, 2022

Grilled Cheese Roll ups

8 slices soft bread
1-1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
2 tablespoons butter

Step 1: Prepare the bread
Take a single slice of the white bread and cut off the crusts. Then, take a rolling pin and flatten the bread into a thin piece. You want to avoid using a firm bread, like sourdough, because it will crack when you try to roll it. Using thick slices also keeps the bread from tearing.

Step 2: Add cheese and butter
Next, take your thin slice of white bread and grab the cheese. You’re more than welcome to use slices of cheese rather than shredded, but shredded tends to work better when rolling. Once you’ve spread a thin layer of cheese all over the bread, roll it up and brush melted butter on the edge to secure it shut.

Brush melted butter completely around the roll-up as well. You don’t want to forget that nice, golden outside.

Step 3: Cook the grilled cheese roll-ups
Place the roll-ups in a nonstick pan over low-medium heat. Rotate occasionally. Cook until the center melts and the outside becomes a golden brown (and crispy).
